After graduating with a BA from Bocconi Univeristy, Roberto Perotti obtained a Ph.D. at MIT in 1991. After 10 years at Columbia University, where he got tenure, he moved to the European University Institute in Florence and then, in 2003, to Bocconi University, where he became full professor in 2005. At Bocconi, he is also a member of the IGIER research center, of which he was director from 2006 to 2008. His reasearch interests are mainly in macroeconomics, and especially in the theory and empirics of fiscal policy. He is a Research Associate of the Center for Economic Policy Research (CEPR), London, and of the National Bureau of Economic Research (NBER), Usa. He has been a consultant to the International Monetary Fund, the World Bank, the Inter-American development Bank, the European Central Bank, the Bank of Italy, and Academic Consultant of the Federal Reserve Board di Washington, DC. He was co-editor of theh Journal of the European Economic Association. He is a regular columnist on the Italian ewspaper La Repubblica (after being a regular columnist of the business daily Il Sole 24 Ore). From September 2014 to December 2015 he was a resident member (on a pro bono basis) of the group of economic advisors to the Prime Minister.
Laureato all' Università Bocconi, ha conseguito il PhD in Economics al MIT di Cambridge, Massachusetts nel 1991. Dopo 10 anni alla Columbia University di New York e due anni all’European University Institute di Firenze, nel 2005 diventa professore ordinario all' Universita’ Bocconi, dove e' anche membro del centro di ricerche IGIER, di cui e' stato direttore dal 2006 al 2008. I suoi interessi scientifici sono prevalentemente in macroeconomia, e in particolare nello studio degli effetti delle politiche di bilancio. E' Research Associate presso il Center for Economic Policy Research (CEPR) di Londra e il National Bureau of Economic Research (NBER), Usa. E’ stato consulente del Fondo Monetario Internazionale, della Banca Mondiale, della Inter-American Development Bank, della Banca Centrale Europea, e della Banca d’Italia, e Academic Consultant del Federal Reserve Board di Washington, DC. E’ stato co-direttore del Journal of the European Economic Association. E' editorialista del quotidiano La Repubblica; in passato è stato editorialista del quotidiano Il Sole 24 Ore. Da settembre 2014 a dicembre 2015 è stato membro (pro bono), residente a Palazzo Chigi, del gruppo di consiglieri economici del Presidente del Consiglio.