Fiscal Policy in Recessions
Akerkof, G., O. Blanchard, D. Romer and J. Stiglitz, eds: What Have We Learned? Macroeconomic Policy After the Crisis, proceedings of a conference at the IMF, MIT Press, 2014
(with T. Monacelli and A. Trigari)
L. CĂ©spedes and J. Gali, eds.: Fiscal Policy and Macroeconomic Performance, Series on Central Banking, Analysis, and Economic Performance, Central Bank of Chile, 2012
The "Austerity Myth": Gain Without Pain?
A. Alesina and F. Giavazzi, eds.: Fiscal Policy After the Financial Crisis, NBER and Chicago University Press, 2013, pp. 307-358
Budget Deficits and Budget Institutions
(with A. Alesina)
J. Poterba and J. Von Hagen, eds.: Fiscal Institutions and Fiscal Performance, NBER and Chicago University Press, 1999
Government Weakness, Fragmentation, and Fiscal Outcomes: Evidence from OECD Countries
(with Y. Kontopoulos)
J. Poterba and J. Von Hagen, eds.: Fiscal Institutions and Fiscal Performance, NBER and Chicago University Press, 1999