Is Government Spending at the Zero Lower Bound Desirable?
(with F. Bilbiie and T. Monacelli)
American Economic Journal: Macreoconomics, July 2018
(with F. Bilbiie and T. Monacelli)
Economic Journal: 2013, Vol. 123 Issue 566, Feb., pp. F64-F98
(with. F. Brollo, T. Nannicini, and G. Tabellini)
American Economic Review, 2013, 103(5), pp. 1759-96
Effects of Tax Shocks on Output: Not So Large, But Not Small
American Economic Journal, Economic Policy: 2012, 4(2), pp. 214-37
Redistribution and the Multiplier
(with T. Monacelli)
IMF Economic Review: 2011, Vol. 59(4), pp. 630-651
Unemployment Fiscal Multipliers
(with T. Monacelli and A. Trigari)
Journal of Monetary Economics: 2010, Vol. 57, pp. 531–553
Fiscal Policy, the Real Exchange Rate, and Traded Goods
(with T. Monacelli)
Economic Journal: 2010. Vol. 120, Issue 544, May, pp. 437-461
Openness and the Sectoral Effects of Fiscal Policy
(with T. Monacelli)
Journal of the European Economic Association: 2008, Vol. 6(2-3), pp. 395-403
In Search of the Transmission Mechanism of Fiscal Policy
NBER Macroeconomics Annual 2007, Chicago University Press: 2007, Vol. 22, pp. 169-226
The Effects of Fiscal Policy in Italy: Evidence From a VAR Model
(with R. Giordano, S. Momigliano, and S. Neri)
European Journal of Political Economy: 2007, Vol 23(3), pp. 707-734
The European Union: a Politically Incorrect View
(with A. Alesina)
Journal of Economic Perspectives: 2004, Vol. 18 Issue 4, pp. 27-48
Fiscal Policy and Monetary Integration in Europe
(with J. Galí)
Economic Policy: 2003, Vol. 18 Issue 37, pp. 533-572
(with O. Blanchard)
Quarterly Journal of Economics: 2002, Vol. 117 Issue 4, pp. 1329-1368
The Importance of Composition of Fiscal Policy: Evidence from Exchange Rate Regimes
(with P. Lane)
Journal of Public Economics: 2003,Vol. 87, Issues 9–10, pp. 2253-2279
(with Y. Kontopoulos)
Journal of Public Economics: 2002, Vol. 86, Issue 2, pp. 191–222
Fiscal Policy, Profits, and Investment
(with A. Alesina, S. Ardagna, and F. Schiantarelli)
American Economic Review: 2002, Vol. 92 Issue 3, pp. 571-589
Electoral Systems and Public Spending
(with G.M. Milesi-Ferretti and M. Rostagno)
Quarterly Journal of Economics: 2002, Vol. 117 Issue 2, pp. 609-657
Is a Uniform Fiscal Policy Always Better? Fiscal Federalism and Factor Mobility
American Economic Review, 2001, Vol. 191(3), pp. 596-610
Fiscal Policy in Good Times and Bad
Quarterly Journal of Economics: 1999, Vol. 114, Issue 4, pp. 1399-1436
The Political Economy of Fiscal Adjustments
(with A. Alesina and J. Tavares)
The Brookings Papers on Economic
Activity: 1998, Issue 1, pp.
Economic Risk and Political Risk in Fiscal Unions
(with A. Alesina)
Economic Journal: 1998, Vol. 108 Issue 449, pp. 989-1008
The Trade Balance and Fiscal Policy in the OECD
(with P. Lane)
European Economic Review Papers and Proceedings: 1998, Vol. 42, pp. 887-895
Fiscal Policy in Latin America
(with M. Gavin)
NBER/Macroeconomics Annual (MIT Press): 1997, Vol. 12 Issue 1, pp. 11-61
The Welfare State and Competitiveness
(with A. Alesina)
American Economic Review: 1997, Vol. 87, Issue 5, pp. 921-939
Fiscal Adjustments in OECD Countries: Composition and Macroeconomic Effects
(with A. Alesina)
International Monetary Fund Staff Papers: 1997, Vol. 44 (2), pp. 210-248
Redistribution and Non-Consumption Smoothing in a Small Open Economy
Review of Economic Studies: 1996, Vol. 63 Issue 3, pp. 411-433
Income Distribution, Democracy, and Growth: What the Data Say
Journal of Economic Growth: 1996, Vol. 1, Issue 2, pp. 149-187
Income Distribution, Political Instability, and Investment
(with A. Alesina)
European Economic Review: 1996, Vol. 40, Issue 6, pp. 1203–1228
Fiscal Discipline and the Budget Process
(with A. Alesina)
American Economic Review: 1996, Vol. 86 Issue 2, pp. 401-407
Fiscal Consolidation in Europe: Composition Matters
American Economic Review: 1996, Vol. 86, Issue 2, pp. 105-111
Fiscal Expansions and Adjustments in OECD Countries
(with A. Alesina)
Economic Policy: 1995, Vol. 10, Issue 2, pp. 207-248
Taxation and Redistribution in an Open Economy
(with A. Alesina)
European Economic Review: 1995, Vol. 39, Issue 5, pp. 961-79
Together or Separately? Some Implications of Fiscal Unions
(with A. Alesina and E. Spolaore)
European Economic Review: 1995, Vol. 39, Issues 3–4, pp. 751–758
The Political Economy of Budget Deficits
(with A. Alesina)
IMF Staff Papers: 1995, Vol. 42 (1), pp. 1-31
The Political Economics of Growth: A Selective Survey and Some New Results
(with A. Alesina)
World Bank Economic Review: 1994, Vol. Sep., pp. 351-371
Political Equilibrium, Income Distribution, and Growth
Review of Economic Studies: 1993, Vol. 60, Issue 4, pp. 55-776
Income Distribution, Politics, and Growth
American Economic Review: 1992, Vol. 82 Issue 2, pp. 311-317